Tim's Weblog
Tim Strehle’s links and thoughts on Web apps, software development and Digital Asset Management, since 2002.

Dave Camp: Three Pillars (“Great or Dead”)

Dave Camp’s e-mail about the future direction of Mozilla Firefox – Three Pillars:

Uncompromised Quality

We’ve started putting together a program inartfully named “Great or Dead”. Every feature in the browser should be polished, functional, and a joy to use. Where we can’t get it to that state, we shouldn’t do it at all. In some cases that will mean spending time to make it great. In other cases that will mean removing code that we don’t see ourselves improving any time soon. In other cases it will mean finding third party services or addons that can do the job better than we can.

[…] There’s no shortcut to this. It means significant, sustained work. Expect to see some of the effort spent on new feature development shift to bringing existing features up to our standards.”

Makes a great new year’s resolution for us software developers, doesn’t it?